Go Kart
Racing activity for your kids
Vroom Vroom ! Go Karts are just perfect to zoom your child’s confidence and coordination skills in keeping those wheels under their control. Our Go Karts have become kids favourite activity in no time.
Operating Times:
All our activities are subject to height restrictions and availability and the management reserves the right to close an activity without prior notice. Rules of play apply.
Off Peak: Close
Peak : 11.00am – 5.15pm. Operated in intervals.
Rules of Play
- To ensure safe and fun rides these enforced rules must be followed at all times.
- Do not participate if : you have had back, neck, or heart problems, broken bones, if you are pregnant or have other physical or medical problems, especially limb injuries.
- You must meet the height restrictions.
- Adults must accompany children under the height of 1 meter.
- Strictly one child per vehicle only.
- Adults are not permitted on the karts and must not ride the karts. Unless they are accompanying children under 1 meter height they can sit at the back.
- All children must wear socks at all times.
- Keep your feet clear of the karts
- Do not enter track when the karts are moving
- Do not leave your kart when riding or when others are riding. Call for assistance without stepping out of the kart.
- This is a ONE WAY only ride.
- No spectators are permitted on the track or near safety barriers.
- Do not pull or push the karts at any time.
- Do not stand in front of the karts or when karts are moving.
- Do not bump into others and into safety barriers and please ride in a safe manner
- Do not activate accelerator until the operator has asked you to do it and your route must be clear.
- You must wait for your turn in the queue and it can take longer during busy periods
- Failure to obey the rules will result in you being asked to leave the vehicle immediately.
- Please call the operator / member of staff for assistance